My father in law had a few friends over and they were all drinking.This one woman was plastered and she slipped on the back porch and hurt her foot.This was back in May/June.She went to the hospital but they turned her away because she was too intoxicated to treat.Her foot is fine now.She has recently been asking us for money because she's broke (aren't we all) and because we can't lend her any, she's talking to a lawyer about suing my father in law because she fell on his property.Does she have any chance in winning the suit?There were witnesses to the accident, but they were all intoxicated.
Tell your father in law to contact his homeowners insurance company and turn the matter over to them.
The insurance company will do an investigation.If they believe the lady has a valid claim they will settle up with her.If they feel she does not, they will deny her claim.
Then if she files a law suit the homeowners insurance will hire an attorney to defend your father in law.
Your father in law will need to give the insurance company all the names/phone numbers for the witnesses that were there.The company may want to talk to them.He will also need to give the lady's information.If she is not yet represented by an attorney, they can get a recorded interview from her. The more information the insurance company can get in their investigation the better able they are to defend you if a suit gets filed.
In order to sue she would need to show damages, so what are her damages at this time?If, her foot is fine, if she was never admitted to the hospital thus no bill; pain and suffering?good luck,
she maybe all talk, but hard to say without all the facts, not sure i would consult your father's in law insurance until you receive an official letter from a lawyer
Orignal From: Tips: Personal Injury Suit?
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