
Increasingly, the story about the visit abroad, after the mention of visiting high-profile boutiques, enriched with an enthusiastic description of his visit to the Western physician.In turn, the interest of western doctors to the public from Russia in recent years also increased significantly.And there are several explanations.Firstly, the Russian, as a rule, do not hesitate when he called the price.Secondly, in most cases, pay cash, without resorting to the viscous mechanisms of credit cards and the activities of insurance companies.And, thirdly, after the treatment they leave home, completely evaporating in the vast Russian expanse, and not bothering the doctor tedious questions about these or other events.Often, visiting on business and personal affairs in New York, I saw a Russian-language newspaper advertisements, which provide plastic surgeons, perfectly a*similated all these advantages.With two of these doctors I know personally.Offices and Dr.Bareka, and Dr.Chiutena fully meet the expectations of visitors from Russia: You can relax on a leather couch, drink some coffee, pohrustet galetkoy, smell the exotic trees in tubs and then, having paid three times, four times more expensive than in Moscow, to make plastic surgery.Of course, it's silly to say that we are not losing the private clinics in the western interior and the entourage.Certainly, western standards of service and comfort subtly provokes people to accept the service and pay for it.But is plastic surgery that matter?Personally, I have nothing against the comfort I do not have.But most importantly, you will agree, is still in the final result.And here are found out interesting things.At best, the result is the same as in Moscow (in a good hospital and good doctors).In other words, the patient pays a few thousand dollars for the free mineral water and free air conditioning.Patient was 23 years old approached a certain Parisian doctor in order to increase the mammary glands.French surgeon found that the result is quite satisfactory (!), And require only time to get everything to normal.Six months after the operation, which cost the patient in the 10 thousand dollars, it came already to the Moscow doctor.Agree that the result achieved is still somewhat different from the original painting.In addition, I would like to note that a similar operation should have at least half the price.As for the number of complications, they have western surgeons are significantly higher than in Russia, and their quality is much more dramatic.That is, they are removed (if removed) with great difficulty.These unflattering statements are not unfounded.They are based, firstly, on the western scientific publications, and secondly, on the domestic experience.Increasingly, patients who were operated "out there", refer to remedy unintended consequences to us.In a rather famous book by Dr.George Peck et al, "Complications and Problems in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery» (Complications and Problems in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) a list of typical complications are those that are never found in domestic practice.For example, damage to the eyeball injection needle during local anesthesia for removal of excess skin of upper eyelids.We do this rather simple operation has almost no complications or adverse effects.Or - coarse cicatricial deformations of the face after dermabrasion, skin resurfacing.A few tens of thousands of dermabrasion performed by the Moscow Institute of Beauty, never was and - sure - will not be anything like it.It is absolutely impossible in Russia, the result is also demonstrated in the chapter devoted to breast enlargement.Similar examples are not in any way diminish the level and reach the west plastic surgery, which is high enough, but ...And this "but" also has its explanation.For example, many doctors, due to the peculiarities of the western system of medical education, embarking on independent practice about 35 years of age, when the reduced capacity for learning, and lost the desire for surgical improvisation (in particular, because there is excessive caution).In short, not everything that makes an ordinary doctor in this specialist or even outstanding.In addition, doctors in most countries started and begin their work in conditions of very high prices and, consequently, a small number of patients.In Russia 10 years ago the most expensive plastic surgery cost no more than 40-50 rubles, and thus was available to almost everyone.This led to a flood of patients and lack of competition among physicians.In other words, there was an unusually favorable situation for professional growth - was on whom to learn and there was someone to teach.Go to the flourishing adulthood behind the Russian doctor who began practicing 10 years or more ago, is worth several thousand (!) Plastic surgeries - a number quite impossible for his Western counterparts throughout the work.And this point is extremely important, because any surgical operation, and plastic surgery primarily involves otrabotannost just manual skills and a special sense of body tissue, which can not be learned in any university.However, the flow of rich Russian patients seeking either - in all respects - price, regardless of lexical difficulty, to operate at the western doctor, do not dry out.And the last order to strengthen these patients in a supposedly correct choice.His main argument is that de Russia - are still backward and closed country, divorced from the latest developments and technologies in plastic surgery.Having gone to London for a beautiful nose, the patient was 32 years such that eloquently confirms the picture.<--- На фото - эта же пациентка после дополнительной коррекции в московском Институте Красоты.Подобные заявления просто корыстная и невежественная ложь, так как минимум последние пять лет если не российские, то уж московские хирурги имеют в своем распоряжении точно такие же инструменты и материалы, какими располагают лучшие западные клиники.Более того, компьютеры для прогнозирования и анализа результатов используются у нас намного шире, чем, например, в США.Последний раз я был в США год назад и с удовольствием дал несколько уроков компьютерного ликбеза д-ру Микки из Бермингемского Центра пластической хирургии (штат Алабама).Говорить об изоляции отечественных хирургов тоже по меньшей мере смешно, поскольку последние международные симпозиумы редко обходятся без нас.К слову, в 1998 году в Москве проходила русско-французская конференция.В кулуарах один французский врач сообщил мне, что пластическую хирургию в России можно сравнить с австралийской мол, та же оторванность от остального мира, то же варение в собственном соку.На вопрос, видел ли он работы русских специалистов, он ответил отрицательно, а когда я показал ему собственные до- и послеоперационные результаты, француз, ничуть не смутившись, с поразительным н*хальством заподозрил меня в том, что иллюстрации пересняты из западных источников.Говорить нам больше было не о чем.Зато можно было слушать.Французы привезли несколько докладов, которые, несомненно, представляли интерес, однако ничего принципиально нового мы не услышали.Кроме того, доклады наших соотечественников в целом ни в чем не уступали французским.И это неудивительно.По-прежнему, в силу значительно более низких цен, российский пластический хирург имеет несравненно большую практику, а благодаря развитым коммуникационным связям, включая интернет, н*ходится в курсе последних новостей.Такие новинки пластической хирургии, как лазеры последнего поколения, препараты ботокс и рестилайн, американские анатомические каплевидные имплантаты молочных желез стали применяться в России (особенно, конечно, в Москве) примерно в то же время, как и во всем остальном мире.Неудивительно также, что все чаще к нам обращаются иностранные пациенты, которые надеются (и небезосновательно) на то, что недостаток привычного комфорта будет возмещен качеством пластической операции.Я ни в коем случае не хочу сказать, что в нашей практике не бывает ошибок.Однако многолетний профессиональный стаж дает мне право утверждать, что российская школа пластической хирургии совершенно соответствует мировым образцам.Только, подчеркну, лучшим.Журнал "Kosmetik International"
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