
Jeff Miller speaks at the 2010 Madison County Lincoln-Reagan Dinner

Jeff Miller speaks at the 2010 Madison County Lincoln-Reagan Dinner Jeff Miller speaks at the 2010 Madison County Lincoln-Reagan Dinner on the campus of Mars Hill College.Issues Creating Jobs for Western North Carolina As a small business owner I am very aware of the hurdles our businesses are facing today.I will fight to reduce corporate taxes, reduce capital gains, and provide tax relief for all our businesses and residents.We cannot tax our small businesses out of business.Unemployment of up to 15% in some counties is simply unacceptable.As your Congressman I will work with our local and state officials to recruit good jobs and businesses to Western North Carolina.Someone has to take the lead on this and I look forward to helping put people back to work.Stop Runaway government spending One of the main reasons I am running for Congress is because if the reckless deficit spending continues in Washington, it will not be me but my son and his children that have to pay for it years from now.We have to approach our federal budget like I approach my business, which is we should not spend money that we do not have, period!People will have the confidence to start spending again when they see the federal government stop spending money we do not have.Honor our Veterans and all those who serve our Country I have spent the last three years of my life honoring the veterans of the Greatest Generation.They have taught me so much about honor and service to ones country.Everything good in our lives we have because of the sacrifices of our
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