
Withdrawal: Catatonia [can kill you]

Withdrawal: Catatonia [can kill you] Withdrawal can cause symptioms of catatonia and/or neuroleptic malign syndrome:
  • В increased creatine levels (destruction of muscles) that can lead to kidney failure (mostly neuroleptic malign syndrome)
  • stupor, motionless apathetic state, mental confusion
  • excess activation can be possible: hyperactivity
  • malignant catatonia: fever (hyperthermia), autonomic instability (blood pressure, sweating?) "..represents the malignant form of the condition and identifies patients with high risk of death."
Problems: reduced dopaminergic activity and excess glutamatergic activity (due withdrawal from 5-HT2A) and probably also because of damaged astrocyte cells (destruction of astrocytes) meaning that glutamatergic system is out of control.
  • nicotine, sex increases dopamine, exercise increases neurotransmitters, ashwagandha contains levodopa
  • ceftriaxone [improves EAAT2 pump function]
  • benzos
  • relora (NMDA antagonist, adenosine agonist, GABA [but increases acetylcholine])
  • BCAA

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