
Genetics of relieve teenage acne

Genetics of relieve teenage acne

German scientists have decoded the genome of the bacteria that cause acne - or, more simply, acne.Specialists expect that this discovery will create new drugs that finally destroy the disease.As shown by scientists, gene propionibaktery (they are among the leading causes of rash) consists of 2,333 genes, of which several hundred encode enzymes that destroy components of human skin.Disable these genes or enzymes, can prevent skin damage, provoking a purulent inflammation."Previously we thought that propionibakterii cause the formation of acne by the fact of his" residence "in the pores of the skin - said in an interview with the BBC," Dr.Holger Bruggeman, head of research group, to decode the genome of the bacteria.- But it seems that their role is much more active - they damage the skin and stimulate the immune system.And they obviously should pay more attention ..."

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